The “quiet ego:

Monday, October 17th, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Heidi A. Wayment, Ph.D.

Compassion is experiencing a renaissance. After years of stressing the importance of self-enhancement, some social psychologists are examining—empirically—one of mankind's oldest ideas: that compassion for others is a critical part of leading a happy, fulfilling life. That’s easy for any of us to say, of course, but Heidi Wayment and her colleagues are working toward putting the idea on a firm scientific footing. She has done research on people’s responses to 9/11. That research and subsequent work has led her to the concept of what she calls the “quiet ego.”

People with quiet egos have a more even-handed self-view, value interdependence and growth, and are, as practitioners of meditation say, mindful.  As a result, they are more compassionate, value community involvement, report better friendships, and are less prone to defensive emotions such as anger and aggression. This has important personal and social implications: Such people are also more likely to endorse sustainable behavior, to sidestep political conflict and to grow as they cope with a traumatic life event, such as unemployment.  For more information...